Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Dip Station Fun

by Atomic Athletic on Tuesday, May 29, 2012 at 12:34pm ·

I love dips.  They really are the upper body squat, but have you ever thought about the lower body options for your dip station?


My buddy Dr. Ken Leistner gave me the idea for this great little series of exercises.  First put on your Iron Boots and you probably won't need any extra weight, at least the first couple times you do this series.  Now go to your dip bars and get in the full upright top of the movement.  If your triceps are really strong, you may not have to lock your elbows, but I will leave that up to you.

If you don't know what Iron Boots are, then go to this link:


1. Alternate Knee Raises – 2 sets of 15 Make sure to point your toes at the bottom of the movement and fully flex those shins at the top of the movement.  This is a tibia dorsi-flexion with the foot.  It won't seem like much at first, but later in the day you might really feel it, particularly if you try running after your lifting.  
2. Leg Curl – 2 sets of 15 This will hit the entire posterior chain of muscles ligaments and tendons.
3. Knee Raises – 2 sets of 15 You will do both legs at the same time and make sure to get those lower abs at the top of the movement.

This series of exercises is really great for any athlete, but especially so for anyone who needs sprinting power or kicking power.

If you want to see more classic strongman leg training with just Iron Boots and a Barbell, check out the Atomic Athletic Leg Development DVD at this link: 


Live strong,
Roger LaPointe

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