Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Wet Boots Problem

by Atomic Athletic on Thursday, September 22, 2011 at 4:16pm
Andy Says: “We do our Farmers Walks on the Railroad Easement behind the gym, which looks like a dirt road, but isn't. It's heavy crushed stone & washout. If it's raining, your boots will look like their coated in concrete, but you can spray them off quickly. The problem: WET Boots.”

Andy pretty much manages the Atomic Athletic Club Warehouse Gym, so he is well aware of what our guys go through.  There's no walking on that stuff with bare feet, like the Cross Fit guys.  The sharp stones are nothing compared to the broken glass and shards of cracked steel and cast iron that can also be treacherous.  You know what I'm talking about if you've ever hiked a rail road track.

Here is what you do:
1.Don't cook your boots.  That will destroy the fabric or leather, stitching, glue and foam padding. That means you NEVER use heat.
2.Pull your laces out, down to the last holes.
3.Next stretch out the tongues.  Roll down the sides of your boots, if they are high tops.
4.Tie them together with a knot at the ends of your laces.
5.Stick them in your clothes dryer, hanging by the laces.  You will keep the knot you tied hanging outside the clothes dryer door, centered at the top. 
6.Turn on the dryer using the lowest heat setting, like: “low heat, air dry or permanent press”. That setting is different for each dryer unit.
7.If the boots are banging around as the dryer rotates, then re-tie your knot and shorten up your laces so the boots don't don't touch your agitator.  If they are tumbling around, they will be hard on your dryer and wear out your boots more quickly.

You can get more helpful tips in the Atomic Athletic Garage Gym Guide:

Home Made Farmers Walks:
Farmers Walk Poster:

I highly recommend you practice this method with an old pair of shoes you don't mind potentially destroying.  You may even do it the first time at a laundry mat.  If you can wipe down or squeeze out as much excess water as possible before throwing them in the dryer, you will just speed up the process.

Atomic Athletic Farmers Walks:

Roger LaPointe
Live strong,

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